Monday, May 26, 2014

The Power of Positive Thinking

Have you ever been in a situation where everything seemed so negative? A situation where there was no hope and it looked like it was all over? I know many of us have been in such situations. While some of us give up and lose hope, some choose to think positively and find just a little ray of light in all the doom and gloom. This ray of light, transforms and becomes huge with time, illuminating life and making it beautiful.

Let me start by telling you a positive thinking story that I know you will like:

There was this 5 year old girl who got burnt by tea while playing near her mother's stove. It was not an easy thing for her. She cried a little but when she got to the hospital, had her wounds dressed and given some pain killers, it was as if nothing happened. She seemed happier than everyone else in the hospital ward yet she was hurt the most. Now, her mother was super worried because she knew she did not have the money to pay the hospital bill. She would be sad all day, sometimes even crying in front of her daughter. One day, an NGO was going through the wards looking for needy cases. The girl was playing with the guests, entertaining them and making everyone laugh. The guests were so amazed with her that they decided to talk to her mother who told them about all her problems. They paid the bill and gave them some money to cater for other needs.

This is a good example of the power of positive thinking. Were it not for this girl's positive attitude to life, their hospital bills would not have been paid. The mother did not see the positive aspects of this situation but the girl did. Her light shone and illuminated their lives. The joy she had in her heart touched so many in that ward.

Positive thinking is not just a facade. It is true and it totally works. You should try it. I should try it.
When you think positive, good things come to you. You attract only people who are helpful to you. Solutions come to you faster when you think positively. Even when the situation seems so bad, try to find even the tiniest little bit of hope and surely, things will get better.

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